This Disclaimer applies each time you visit our website (the “Website”) and can be unilaterally modified at any time without prior notice. The mere consultation of the Website implies your acceptance of this Disclaimer. We reserve the right to add information, to edit, to correct or to delete it, without prior notice and at any time. You are therefore advised to review this Disclaimer periodically.


You agree that you will not use the Website for illegal purposes or in breach of these conditions. You agree not to use the Website in a way that could lead to damage, nuisance or non-functioning of the Website or in a way that could interfere the usage of the Website by other users. You will not attempt to retrieve information that is not publicly made available through the Website.


We have developed this Website with the utmost care and with special attention to the reliability of the information on the Website. It is however still possible that incomplete, inaccurate or not current information may be found on the Website, without this giving rise to any liability. We reserve the right to add information, to edit, to correct or to delete it, without prior notice and at any time.


The data on this Website are provided solely for the purpose of providing information about us and our services. This Website does not imply an advice. The applicability of the information on the Website is always dependent on the particular circumstances.


We shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by a direct or indirect use of the Website or damage arising from the use of the information on this Website or referenced.


We cannot be held liable for failure or improper functioning of the Website. We cannot be held liable for any viruses, hacking and other computer crimes caused by third parties.

We cannot be held liable for the contents of websites that link to this Website or to which this Website provides links. You are free to consult third-party websites. We are not responsible for personal information you provide to third parties through their website and give no guarantees for the security of these sites.


The intellectual property rights on the Website, logos, information, etc. are our property and/or are also protected by copyright. The copying, modifying or altering any part or all of this Website in any form or by any means without our prior express written permission is prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted by way of civil and criminal proceedings. The data on the Website may only be used for informational purposes excluding any reproduction, distribution, marketing or commercialisation by third parties. The visitor is allowed to print the information or to temporarily store the information for personal use if the contents remains entirely unchanged. Referring to or linking from another website to this Website is only allowed after our prior written permission.


The nullity or invalidity of one or more provisions does not have as a result that other provisions become null or invalid.


The Website and this Disclaimer, Privacy & Cookie Notice are governed by Belgian law. By visiting the Website you agree that Belgian law is applicable in the relationship between us and yourself. Brussels Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in legal proceedings.


Last date of revision: 11 June 2019

Aviapartner Holding

Brussels National Airport
Main Terminal – 5th floor
B-1930 Zaventem

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